About Me

I am a 19 years old, currently studying BSc.CSIT at Tribhuvan University. I love coding. Some of the things I have some sort of knowledge in C, C++, Python programming language and the django framework. Apart from this, my favourite color is grey
Wanna know more about me?
You can follow me on:


My email: nishapela777@gmail.com
Also, some of the platforms to connect with me:

My Skills

I know some sort of knowledge in C, C++, Python, java, Django, HTML, CSS

Future Goals

  1. Build a dynamic website
  2. Master the designing and responsiveness
  3. Not to forget the above two or replace them


"Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing"

My Blogs

I haven't posted any blogs till now, but I will update soon:)

© Nisha Pela | 2021